Design Principles

My design process is driven by 4 key fundamentals: experimentation, collaboration, emotions and advocacy.



The iterative nature of design excites me most when diving into a new problem space. It feels like being a detective solving an important case while validating ideas and converging on a solution!



The best part about being a designer is the creatives I get to work with. Learning from my peers and bringing ideas to life during intense design sessions ensures there's never a dull moment!



Experiences are inherently emotional, so it's crucial to consider how simple design decisions can affect user emotions. Every interaction has an impact, and these subtle effects motivate me to design thoughtfully.



Designing for people is the core of what we do. To be mindful of users at all times, exercising empathy at every step and advocating for their needs allows me to create solutions that have tangible impact. 

Design Process

My process is flexible enough to adapt as needed depending on the project and its needs, especially as requirements often shift.


Discover & Define

During the discovery phase, I focus on understanding the problem space and defining the project's scope and timeline. This involves preliminary research, stakeholder and user interviews to establish business goals and success metrics.

In the defining phase, I create a clear problem statement and set design goals through additional user interviews and surveys. I also use personas, scenarios, and journey maps to illustrate the problem space.


Develop & Iterate

During the development phase, I start by ideating and experimenting with different design solutions. Beginning with rough sketches, I gradually refine low fidelity wireframes, user flows and information architecture.

I then spend a majority of this phase developing prototypes of varying fidelities and prioritize gathering continuous feedback from designers and stakeholders. This iterative process ensures that the design effectively meets project requirements.


Test & Refine

During the testing and refining phase, the focus is on understanding how actual users interact with the design. I work closely with researchers to conduct and analyze usability tests, using the insights gained to further refine the design.

Additionally, I employ quantitative methods such as A/B tests and surveys to gather data that informs and validates design decisions.


Deliver & Track

During the delivery and tracking phase, I collaborate closely with the engineering team to ensure the designs are implemented to the highest quality standards, keeping accessibility in mind.

After a smooth product launch, I track KPIs and gather user feedback to support future iterations. This process is continuous as users' needs evolve and opportunities for refinement emerge.

Designed by LXM